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Introductory Concepts
Elementary Relationships
Extensions of Verbal Behavior
Multiple Controlling Relationships
Building on the Elementary Relationships

34.2 Definition of Multiple Responses

Multiple responses is a situation in which there is a single controlling variable and that controlling variable simultaneously strengthens two or more different response forms. Features irrelevant to multiple responses include the specific type of controlling variable, the number of response forms that are strengthened, and the type of elementary verbal relationship. All specific features of either the stimulus or the response are irrelevant in determining whether or not verbal behavior is multiply controlled. Furthermore, the different response forms may be emitted at different times or at about the same time. Any complex stimulus situation may affect more than one response.

Multiple Responses

A situation with the following features:

There is a single controlling variable

That controlling variable simultaneously strengthens two or more different response forms

The specific type of controlling variable

The number of response forms which are strengthened

The type of elementary verbal relationship

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