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Introductory Concepts
Elementary Relationships
Extensions of Verbal Behavior
Multiple Controlling Relationships
Building on the Elementary Relationships

33.7 Multiple Controlling Variables Example #4

Another significant example of this type of multiple stimulus control that has already been introduced involves the audience relation. Saying “canine” in the presence of a zoologist may be controlled by both the presence of an appropriate animal as well as by the type of audience. In fact, speaking at all is often multiply controlled in that an audience determines the group of responses that is likely to be emitted, and a particular stimulus determines the specific response form.

Multiple Controlling Variables

A situation with the following features:

There is a single response form

The response is simultaneously strengthened by two or more controlling variables

Response topography

The type of controlling variable (stimulus or establishing operation)

The specific number of multiple variables

Whether or not the current response is followed by reinforcement

A black and tan dog with a speech bubble demonstrating 20.6 First Type of Audience Control.
A dog with a speech bubble.
Zoology Instructor
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