Inclusion of the throwaway response which is identical to the correct response with the exception of the last word, which you replaced with labradoodle, does not test for comprehension of the material. Punishing the student who knows the material but does not read to the last word of a response begs the question, what are you testing for? Is it an adequate usage of our time to test for adherence or even obedience to this particular learning modality?
Perhaps we are testing whether or not the learner reads the options carefully? There are many instances in life where a single word change can have a drastic impact on meaning. Reinforcing careful reading does not seem like such a bad idea to me.
In all seriousness, though, this is not a test. It is a review/summary of key points of the lesson made slightly interactive and with some silly answers thrown in for fun. It is not even a required activity. If you do not want to bother reading the options carefully, you can simply mark the page complete and move on.
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Inclusion of the throwaway response which is identical to the correct response with the exception of the last word, which you replaced with labradoodle, does not test for comprehension of the material. Punishing the student who knows the material but does not read to the last word of a response begs the question, what are you testing for? Is it an adequate usage of our time to test for adherence or even obedience to this particular learning modality?
Perhaps we are testing whether or not the learner reads the options carefully? There are many instances in life where a single word change can have a drastic impact on meaning. Reinforcing careful reading does not seem like such a bad idea to me.
In all seriousness, though, this is not a test. It is a review/summary of key points of the lesson made slightly interactive and with some silly answers thrown in for fun. It is not even a required activity. If you do not want to bother reading the options carefully, you can simply mark the page complete and move on.