The third term is reinforcement. Reinforcement refers to a process or operation in which a response produces a consequence and the probability of that response occurring again in similar conditions increases because of the consequence.
A physical energy change capable of affecting an organism through one of its receptors: photoreceptors, phonoreceptors, chemoreceptors (gustatory and olfactory), mechanoreceptors (touch), thermoreceptors, and free nerve endings.
Discriminative Stimulus
A stimulus in the presence of which a given response has a history of being reinforced.
A stimulus following a response that increases or strengthens the likelihood of that response occurring in the future, under similar conditions.
Disagree, The key word is likelihood. you can use reinforcement with fidelity and not see an increase in future Bx. Why there was no increase is a whole different argument.
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Reinforcement means, you are increasing a behavior.
Disagree, The key word is likelihood. you can use reinforcement with fidelity and not see an increase in future Bx. Why there was no increase is a whole different argument.