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Introductory Concepts
Elementary Relationships
Extensions of Verbal Behavior
Multiple Controlling Relationships
Building on the Elementary Relationships

1.4 Definition of Stimulus

Before we get started, let’s briefly review some terms with which you should already be familiar. The first is stimulus, which can be defined as a physical energy change capable of affecting an organism through one of its sensory receptors or free nerve endings.

StimulusA physical energy change capable of affecting an organism through one of its receptors: photoreceptors, phonoreceptors, chemoreceptors (gustatory and olfactory), mechanoreceptors (touch), thermoreceptors, and free nerve endings. 
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Stimulus can also be unconditioned and conditioned.

a stimulus is can also be defined as anything that influences behavior

a physical energy that effects an organism

stimuli affect organisms through receptors

A stimulus is an energy change that affects an organism through its receptor cells.

According to Medical Encyclopedia, a stimulus is anything that can trigger a phisical or behavioral change.

Stimuli may arise from within (and be caused by) the organism which receives it.

Stimuli can affect both positively and negatively in terms of unconditioned and conditioned controls

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