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Mastering the Basics of Visual Analysis

Katie Wolfe and Timothy A. Slocum
Visual analysis of data is a cornerstone of single-subject research. Yet some researchers have found that experts often disagree about what constitutes an intervention effect. This potential lack of consistency across visual analysts can have negative implications for both research and practice. This tutorial offers a systematic, evidence-based procedure for training individuals to conduct valid and reliable visual analyses of single-subject data. It features extensive discrimination training and practice opportunities; adaptive instruction and remediation for errors; and full audio narration in a self-paced, mobile-friendly format.

Dr. Katie Wolfe is an Associate Professor of Special Education and Applied Behavior Analysis in the Department of Educational Studies. Before pursuing her Ph.D. at Utah State University, she worked in various capacities and settings with children with autism and their families, including as a special educator and as a behavior analyst. Her research interests include the development and implementation of interventions to promote language and communication skills in young children with autism, variables that influence the visual analysis of single-case research data, and supporting practitioners in making data-based decisions. She is also interested in parent and practitioner training. Katie Wolfe teaches courses in applied behavior analysis and single-case research design.

Dr. Timothy A. Slocum is a Professor and Department Head of the Department of Special Education & Rehabilitation at Utah State University. He earned his doctorate in Special Education at the University of Washington in 1991. Dr. Slocum received the 2011 Fred S. Keller Behavioral Education award from Division 25 of the American Psychological Association and the 2014 Ernie Wing Award for Excellence in Evidence-Based Education from the Wing Institute.

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