The Antecedent
Learner Behavior
The Consequence
Conducting Sessions

1.6 Three Parts of Discrete Trial Teaching

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The DTT learning structure has three parts that youโ€™ll be learning about today: The antecedent (the verbal instruction and instructional materials) the behavior (the target skill that the student needs to learn), and the consequence (the fun and exciting reward for correct responses).

A diagram illustrating the three parts of Discrete Trial Teaching with the keywords 'attentive behavior' and 'consequence'.
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Clear and concise video example

Very good demonstration of DTT.

Great example of DTT in a clinical setting

This is a great example

This video was a great example of DTT and can be very helpful for someone that’s never run or observed a DTT session.

great video! shows dtt very clearly

Very easy to understand

great examples

Great description of the three parts of DTT

Great description and visual to truly understand DTT

Avatar Herly Hernandez Santana September 28, 2024 at 8:50 pm

Good example!

Good example of DTT and enjoyed watching the video

Great example of DTT.

I love this example

Better breakdown!

Great breakdown

great example

Awesome breakdown!

nice explanation

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