I have to remember that everything is arbitrary. I was confused at first with the same size duck example, but given context cues, and knowing that even those are typically arbitrary. my understanding came into place.
There is something wrong with this program. I missed one of these questions and now it won’t let me mark this section completed even though I have retaken the quiz over five times and I have gotten a 100%
Never mind. Now I feel like an idiot. I realized what was wrong. I’ve dealt with about 5 years of computer nonsense so I assumed it was a computer issue. One question is marked correct if you only answer half of it correctly (mark one of the three)
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A clear and concise way to deliver content on multiple exemplar training and its relation to general operants.
I have to remember that everything is arbitrary. I was confused at first with the same size duck example, but given context cues, and knowing that even those are typically arbitrary. my understanding came into place.
I kind of wish the questions were read to me too
This all runs together
Hello, I can’t finish this activity… it requires two additional points that are not assigned in the questions.
I really liked this course.
One of the questions has multiple correct answers and is worth multiple points. You have to select all of the correct answers to earn full points.
There is something wrong with this program. I missed one of these questions and now it won’t let me mark this section completed even though I have retaken the quiz over five times and I have gotten a 100%
Never mind. Now I feel like an idiot. I realized what was wrong. I’ve dealt with about 5 years of computer nonsense so I assumed it was a computer issue. One question is marked correct if you only answer half of it correctly (mark one of the three)