
8.16 Dragging Triangles as an Operant: Response

And remember that your response had all of these features: mutual entailment, combinatorial entailment, and transformation of stimulus functions.

Features of Relational Frames

Mutual EntailmentRelations between stimuli are bidirectional. Responding to the relation in one direction (A to B) entails responding to the relation in the other direction (B to A).
Combinatorial EntailmentTwo or more stimulus relations can mutually combine. Responding to two combined relations (between A and B and between C and B) can entail a response to a third relation (between A and C).
Transformation of Stimulus FunctionsThe functions a stimulus has for a person can be transformed or changed on the basis of how it is related to other stimuli.
Four different colored triangles with the words red, green and blue related to stimulus functions.
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