
8.10 Generalized Operant Example #2

Let’s look at another example. Read this example about Helen. And then think about whether or not Helen’s selection of an art medium at the end of class is an operant. Then think about whether or not it is a generalized operant.

A girl with a bunch of colored pencils in front of her face. (Keywords: colored pencils, girl)

After several weeks in art class, Helen learned that her teacher gave her a good grade only when her artwork was done with colored pencils. By the end of class, Helen was using colored pencils for all of her artwork.

It IS an operant because each response typically has the same effect (getting a good grade) in a given context (art class).

It is NOT a generalized operant. She picked the same medium every time, so the form of each selection response was pretty similar.

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I don’t think it is NOT a generalized operant since Helen picked different colours of pencil each class, not the same coloured pencil.

I agree with this – that was my thought exactly. She picked a different color pencil everytime

Perhaps, but there are two problems with this interpretation: 1) the example does not say that she picked a different colored pencil every time and 2) the question is about her selection of an art medium, so even if she DID pick a different colored pencil each time, the art medium is the same (colored pencil).

Thank you for that clarification. I missed the phrase about the art medium. It makes sense now

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