
7.30 Non-Arbitrary Relational Responding

When the relations are based on the physical properties of the stimuli, this type of relational responding isn’t very remarkable. Physical properties just means the way a stimulus looks, sounds, smells, feels, or tastes. In the example of placing the stars in the boxes, the relations are determined by the physical properties (in this case, the size) of the stars. Not to take anything away from your stellar performance, but a monkey could be trained to put objects in the boxes in order of size like you did.

A baby monkey is sitting on a branch.
“Shoot, even I could do that!”
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I challenge a monkey to compete with me!

Well atleast I can be taught faster then a monkey, or atleast I hope so!

Knowing a monkey can be trained to sort like I can is insightful.

I wonder what other variables come onto play that may hinder the learning, such as learning disabilities or trauma in the past, or learned helplessness.

My initial response was to order the stimuli as they expected, and my immediate second thought was, “no. This is what is expected of me. I cannot fall into their trap.” I honestly wonder if monkeys think that way too sometimes.

But the monkey cannot memorize all these terms.

I got monkey pox just reading these comments

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