
1.8 Using Baseline to Describe Data

Let’s say this is a graph of my cat scratching in baseline when I’m yelling at her. I can describe this data as being generally around 15 scratches per day.

This graph describes the baseline number of people in a session.

Purposes of Baseline


the behavior


what would happen if baseline continued

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Based on the graph, we can see that the scratches raise up to 17times after first day yelling, drops to 14 times on the forth day. However, sharp up to 19 times on fifth, then sharp drops to 11 times on the seventh day. It backs to 18 times on the eighth day, and keep 16 times on the ninth and tenth. All in all, the average of scratches time even higher before the yelling treatment. We can see the yelling intervention does not help, so, we need to stop yelling and change the treatment.

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