
1.8 Standard 3.11

Finally, Standard 3.11, Documenting Professional Activity, stipulates that you must be able to “create and maintain detailed and high-quality documentation of . . . professional activities to facilitate provision of services . . .” to ensure accountability and meet requirements of organizations and the law.

The logo for the bacc certification board adheres to the 2.08 standard.

Documenting Professional Activity. Throughout the service relationship, behavior analysts create and maintain detailed and high-quality documentation of their professional activities to facilitate provision of services by them or by other professionals, to ensure accountability, and to meet applicable requirements (e.g., laws, regulations, funder and organization policies). Documentation must be created and maintained in a manner that allows for timely communication and transition of services, should the need arise.

~ Section 3.11 of the BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts

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