Why not the one “Jill believes that anxiety is the result of poor social skills.”? Poor social skills is also a manipulable variable that we could change.
I agree. Social skills are trainable targets, so I was also confused by this one! But I believe it is because the training is a consequence of having poor social skills and poor social skills may be considered a psychological event since it is something a person “does”.
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This quiz was very informative
Why not the one “Jill believes that anxiety is the result of poor social skills.”? Poor social skills is also a manipulable variable that we could change.
I agree. Social skills are trainable targets, so I was also confused by this one! But I believe it is because the training is a consequence of having poor social skills and poor social skills may be considered a psychological event since it is something a person “does”.
Yeah, that wasn’t the best question / answer combination.
I am confused. How is it possible to change/manipulate culture?