Although human language has many benefits, it can also have very negative effects. It’s kind of like “The Force” in the Star Wars movies. It has a very powerful bright side, but it can also have a powerful dark side.
The symbols of language are very interesting. This section reminds me that that all experiences are interpreted differently, even the symbols of language.
I love the humor you bring to teaching. I can tell you are passionate about what you do, and it makes me happy that you want your students to enjoy learning.
Language is so useful, and I work with kids who often do not have verbal language, and I constantly think of how challenging that must be for them. As well as what I can do to facilitate and support the communication they are able to engage in because non-verbal does not mean non-communicating.
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I appreciate the humor! Laughs and learning go together like PB&J.
lol right
We could see each other’s comments??😄
lol the first part too about how they’ll still be nice to us even if we’re just after CEUs. Love it.
The humor and how the module instructor narrates the content make the content more engaging.
The symbols of language are very interesting. This section reminds me that that all experiences are interpreted differently, even the symbols of language.
I love the humor you bring to teaching. I can tell you are passionate about what you do, and it makes me happy that you want your students to enjoy learning.
Language is so useful, and I work with kids who often do not have verbal language, and I constantly think of how challenging that must be for them. As well as what I can do to facilitate and support the communication they are able to engage in because non-verbal does not mean non-communicating.
Right!! They are most likely non-vocal but can still communicate!