Is It Training or Is It Feedback? Ensuring Proper Plan Implementation in 24-Hour Settings (Standard)

Jeana Koerber


A presentation by Jeana Koerber delivered at the 2022 Michigan Autism Conference


When treatment is designed by BCBAs and implemented by technicians, training must be provided to ensure proper implementation. However, when there are implementation errors, it is not always the case that training was inadequate. In order to produce sustained implementation, feedback must be provided to staff. Different types of feedback will be discussed as well as ways to identify if there is still an underlying training issue. Finally, the context of this system in a 24-hour setting will be discussed.

About the Speaker

Dr. Jeana Koerber is the Executive Director of Autism Services at the Great Lakes Center (GLC) for AutismTreatment and Research, a program of Residential Opportunities, Inc. She received her master’s degree in Organizational Behavior Management in 2009 from Western Michigan University and became a BoardCertified Behavior Analyst in 2011. She completed her doctoral degree in Behavior Analysis fromWestern Michigan University in 2015. Dr. Koerber has worked with adults and children with developmental disabilities for 20 years and also has extensive experience in systems analysis, instructional design, and staff management.

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