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4.80 out of 5

Applied and basic researchers in behavior analysis rely on visual analysis of graphic data, a practice rooted in the field’s inception, yet concerns about its reliability have arisen, particularly in single-case designs. Critics argue for supplementing visual analysis with statistical methods to enhance objectivity and confidence in results, aiming to strengthen analytical and decision-making capabilities in the field. This presentation from the 2018 Michigan Autism Conference showcases studies highlighting weaknesses in graphing and strategies to bolster analytical rigor.

quick view $30.00 Add to cart
  • Dr. Rick Kubina

    1 BCBA CEU

    Matter of Great Consequence: The Standard Celeration Chart

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    4.75 out of 5

    Recent investigations reveal a high error rate in the construction of linear graphs within fields like behavior analysis and special education, impacting critical aspects such as analysis and decision-making. The Standard Celeration Chart is presented as a significantly more effective alternative, promising to enhance the quality of data visualization, precision in metrics, and analytics for treatments, especially for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). From the 2017 Michigan Autism Conference.

    quick view $20.00 Add to cart
  • Dr. Rick Kubina

    1 BCBA CEU

    An Examination of Linear and Ratio Graphs

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    4.67 out of 5

    Line graphs have long been crucial in applied behavior analysis for visually representing treatment data and summarizing behavioral performance over time. However, issues such as low interrater reliability and the absence of consistent decision-making criteria have been noted. An alternative, the standard ratio graph, is explored in this presentation from the 2021 Michigan Autism Conference for its potential to address these criticisms by comparing its effectiveness against traditional linear graphs in an experiment.

    quick view $20.00 Add to cart

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