ASD and Sleep: Helping Children (and their families!) Get a Good Night’s Sleep (Standard)

Dawn Dore-Stites


A presentation by Dr. Dawn Dore-Stites delivered at the 2018 Michigan Autism Conference

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Optimal sleep demonstrates strong correlations with improved learning, physical health and overall behavioral functioning. Yet, little is known about how toassess and manage sleep concerns in populations at greater risk for sleep problems such as children and adolescents diagnosed with an ASD. The current presentation will be divided into two sections. The first will be an outline of common medical issues related to sleep and basic behavioral sleepprinciples. The second portion of the talk will focus upon evidence-based assessment and intervention specific to pediatric populations with ASD. The primary goal of the session is to arm providers and families with the information needed to identify sleep problems early and provide resources to help with intervention.

About the Speaker

Dr. Dawn Dore-Stites completed her graduate training in clinical psychology at Western Michigan University. Her training included internship at Children’s Hospital of Michigan which focused specifically upon pediatric psychology, a branch of psychology that blends child clinical and health psychology. After internship, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan, where she was fortunate to receive additional training in behavioral interventions in pediatric sleep and elimination disorders. Clinically, Dr. Dore-Stites works with children and adolescents struggling with sleep disorders and elimination disorders (fecal or urine incontinence). Dr. Dore-Stites relies on evidence-based treatment including behavioral and cognitive-behavioral strategies and tailors treatment to the individual needs of the child and their family.

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