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Functional Behavior Assessment in Public Schools

Christie Nutkins & Abbey Mix
When conducting school-based FBA’s there are additional factors that often need to be considered relative to completing FBA’s in other settings. We will address several of these factors, including potential barriers that should be considered when conducting a school-based FBA. Additionally, we will review the components needed for completing a meaningful school-based FBA along with providing examples of ways to link the results of your assessment to appropriate school-based interventions.

Presented at the 2019 Michigan Autism Conference

Dr. Christie Nutkins, a fully licensed psychologist and board certified behavior analyst, has spent over 10 years providing behaviorally based services for children and their families. While she has successfully worked with children and adolescents experiencing a wide range of educational and behavioral challenges; the majority of her training and expertise falls in the area of assessment and treatment of children with developmental delays, most specifically Autism Spectrum Disorders. With her background working in educational, clinical, and home-based settings, she strives to develop realistic, yet effective intervention plans that meet the needs of the client and family. Abbey Mix is an LMSW and BCBA. She is employed by Kent ISD as an Autism Coach working with regional and local district teams to build capacity and enhance the quality of programming for students with Autism.
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