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Image | Title | Type | Author/Speaker | Overview | ||
![]() | ABA Terminology for Effective Practice | Tutorial | Melissa C. Mackal & Robert Wallander | To effectively practice your skillset as a behavior analyst and understand your responsibilities as you serve your client’s needs, you need to first have a thorough understanding of the basic principles that underlie the philosophies and practices of our field. These principles are represented by tasks in the Behavior Analyst Certification Board Fifth Edition Task List. The technical terminology that embodies these principles is key to effective and ethical practice. It is important to discriminate the differences between mentalistic, non-technical, and technical terminology and to understand the contexts in which each is appropriate. This tutorial provides both an introductory and practical review of what behavior-analytic terminology is, when you should use it, and the reasons why using it is so crucial to our effectiveness as practitioners. It will also highlight our ethical obligation to use accurate and precise terminology, particularly as it relates to communicating about services, collaborating with colleagues, and documenting professional activity. This tutorial is written for practitioners having a bachelor’s or master’s degree in behavior analysis. However, other professionals can benefit. Practitioners having a Ph.D. in behavior analysis should find this tutorial to be a helpful review of content with which they may be already familiar. Individuals preparing to take the BACB exam will find that this content supports tasks listed in the BCBA 5th Edition Task List and the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. Finally, professionals from other disciplines will gain a greater understanding of why behavior analysts adhere to such accurate and precise terminology. | View | |
![]() | Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Flashcards | Flashcards | Quizlet Community | Key terms, concepts, and components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). | View | |
![]() | An Introduction to Relational Frame Theory | Tutorial | Eric J. Fox | Relational Frame Theory (RFT) is a behavioral account of human language and cognition that emerged primarily from converging lines of research on rule-governed behavior and derived stimulus relations. It is an extension of B.F. Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior in some respects, but also directly challenges some of the basic tenets of that analysis. More importantly, it has drastic implications for how we conduct a science of human behavior, as it explains how stimulus functions can be altered in ways that are not directly predictable from a traditional contingency analysis. RFT provides a framework for an analysis of complex human behavior, and serves as the basis of promising new interventions in applied behavior analysis (e.g., PEAK Relational Training System) and clinical psychology (e.g., Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). This tutorial, first published in 2004, helps the learner master the key concepts, terms, and approach of RFT. | View | |
![]() | An Introduction to Verbal Behavior | Tutorial | Norman Peterson | B.F. Skinner’s book Verbal Behavior provided a conceptual framework for both researchers and clinicians interested in human language. That book had two major components. First, it introduced a set of new concepts for classifying and analyzing verbal behavior. Second, it then used these new concepts to develop an innovative and profound analysis and interpretation of factors that account for the behavior of an individual speaker. However, much of the power and intricacies of that analysis are lost if the introductory material is not mastered first. This tutorial—based on a programmed instructional text of the same name first published by Behavior Associates, Inc. in 1978—provides a way to quickly and thoroughly master those concepts with a fully interactive, multimedia introduction to verbal behavior. | View | |
![]() | Applied Behavior Analysis Flashcards | Flashcards | Quizlet Community | A mammoth set (515 terms!) focused on key terms and concepts in applied behavior analysis, as defined by Cooper, Heron, and Heward. | View | |
![]() | Autism from Age 2 to 26: What Can We Learn About Treatment from Longitudinal Studies | Video | Catherine Lord | As the number of preschool children identified with ASD increases each year, so too will the number of children with ASD moving into adolescence.The aims of the research are to determine predictors of adolescent and adult outcome measured in adaptive skills, quality of life, positive mood, behavior problems and symptoms of anxiety and depression. The project represents a shift in emphasis from attention primarily on negative outcomes to consideration of coping strategies for individuals and families and their impact on well-being and independence.The natural history of behavioral, cognitive, language and social development from ages 2 to 22 are examined in two well-described samples of children from North Carolina and Chicago originally referred for possible ASD, and a group of non-spectrum developmentally delayed controls. One hundred eighty seven out of 213 original children currently remain in the Early Diagnosis study initially funded by NIMH and NICHD.These children were seen at ages 2, 3, 5 and 9.Their families have participated in phone interviews and completed packets of questionnaires when the children were between 11 and 18 years with a focus on relationships among adaptive skills, behavior problems, pubertal development and adolescent onset of seizures.Face to face interviews and assessments from age 10 to 26 have been conducted so we have new results about what adults are now doing and experiencing.We hope these studies can provide important information about individual differences in developmental trajectories in ASD and the factors that contribute to positive and negative aspects of outcome in adolescents and young adults.
Presented at the 2017 Michigan Autism Conference | View | |
![]() | B.F. Skinner on Education | Video | B.F. Skinner | In this 1972 conversation with John M. Whiteley, B.F. Skinner addresses a variety of important issues in education that remain relevant today. He advocates using positive reinforcement and behavioral approaches to instruction to improve both our educational system and our culture. Topics addressed include aversive control, free will, effective instruction, morality, culture, philanthropy, educational reform, and programmed versus natural contingencies. Filmed at WTTW in Chicago in cooperation with KETC Channel 9 in St. Louis, Missouri. | View | |
![]() | Chomsky vs. Skinner: In Their Own Words | Video | Noam Chomsky & B.F. Skinner | In 1957, B.F. Skinner published the book Verbal Behavior. In 1959, a young linguist named Noam Chomsky published a review of that book that sharply criticized Skinner’s behaviorism in general and his behavioral approach to language acquisition in particular. Chomsky’s review became arguably more influential and well-known than Skinner’s book, and it played a key role in the “cognitive revolution” that soon came to dominate both psychology and linguistics. The debate between the pragmatism of Skinner and the structuralism of Chomsky continues to this day. Now hear directly from both men, in a series of archival interviews and speeches spanning several decades, as they address the philosophical and practical differences between their approaches. Topics addressed include:
Based on a video originally edited and posted to YouTube by Ariel Raphaeli in 2012. | View | |
![]() | Dialectical Behavior Therapy Flashcards | Flashcards | Quizlet Community | Key terms, concepts, and components of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). | View | |
![]() | Essential Competencies for Practitioners Working with Children Diagnosed with Autism | Video | Mary Jane Weiss | The practice of Applied Behavior Analysis gets more complex with each passing year, and the definition of essential competencies continues to expand. Our understanding of how to apply the science and technology of ABA becomes increasingly nuanced and sophisticated with the advancement of research and the development of clinical tools. This presentation focuses on the essential competencies for practitioners that will enable clinicians to remain aware of best practice recommendations, to stay close to the evidence-based nature of our science, and to apply our interventions in ethical and humane ways.
Presented at the 2015 Michigan Autism Conference | View |